Color Finder Interior Design Interior Paint Colors
  • Room Color Can Affect Your Mood

    August 5th, 2016VaughnInterior Design

    You no doubt have heard that color can affect your mood and thoughts. Color will affect you in many ways and depends on many factors including age, gender, local climate and other factors. Most colors have a similar affect a wide range of people, but keep in mind there are always people who are the exceptions, so apply these as general rules.

    Choosing Interior Paint Colors

    Dont be tricked into picking the trendy colors. Start with colors you actually enjoy. Then you take those colors and work to make combinations and palettes that are pleasant and inspiring in your home.

    You want to start by asking what is the mood you want to create in the room? Then find out which colors will help achieve this mood and the setting you desire in your home.

    Keep in mind if you dont first succeed with your interior paint selection, paint is inexpensive and can be changed in an afternoon. So dont be too afraid to push your boundaries to find something that really creates the perfect mood in your home.

    Colors and Mood

    The interior paint design and your choice of color can affect you in basically three ways. Color will be active, passive or neutral. Find the right mix to match the desired room setting and you will be on your way to designing the perfect room.

    Color Finder Inspiration

    Consider the Color Finder or just start looking through your favorite magazines or blogs to find colors that appeal to your eye. Save them in a folder or get paint samples from your local hardware store. Take pictures of packaging that you find attractive, ask your friends what colors they used if you enjoy the mood setting in their home.

    Finding color inspiration in the places and things you do everyday is just the start to designing your home with the perfect color selections.


    Keep following our blog to find out more about the colors on the Color Finder and how they impact your mood and the setting in your home. Whether it is a strong red that can raise the energy level and add excitement to any evening or if it is a deep purple that adds sophistication and depth color can alter your mood and make you enjoy spending time in a particular room more than others.

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